
What is "Family of Origin" Work in Therapy?

by Abby Lombardo, LMFT

You're searching through therapist bios and you keep coming across the term "Family of Origin work" or "FOO Work". But what does it actually mean? In this post, we try to de-mystify what Family of Origin Work means and how it might be relevant in your therapeutic journey.

To start, Family of Origin (FOO) is a term used by therapists to refer to the primary caregivers an individual had when growing up, whether they be related, adoptive, foster, or any other type of guardianship or caregiver relationship. As you might have guessed, Family of Origin work shows up in therapy sessions quite often. You are probably doing some FOO work in your own therapy or even on your own, without even realizing it!

Some clients seek a therapist to help them through these specific kinds of issues, but most clients end up realizing their family of origin work is a more central issue to their lives than they might have thought at the outset of their therapy journey. Either way, there's a reason for the centrality of this kind of work in therapy. There are few things in our lives our families of origin don't impact, for the simple reason that they are our first relationships and first experiences of the world.

As an illustration, I like to use Dr. Emily Nagoski's metaphor of a garden. Each person is born with a garden; some plants are already planted in this garden at birth--without your say so--things like a sensitive nervous system, a predisposition for anxiety, depression, addiction or even a good memory, natural resilience, and other strengths. There are some seeds that have been planted generations before you and there will be some species of weeds that everyone inherits in the garden they are born with. As you mature, you begin to choose how to tend and manage this garden, what weeds you pull, and what plants you want to start growing instead. In therapy, FOO work involves being aware of what's in your garden--what was there before you had a say--and creating intention around how you want to address, manage, or change what your garden looks like as an adult. As the metaphor implies, it can be hard, messy work. That's a major reason it can be helpful to have a therapist with you while you're doing family of origin (FOO) work.

Here are a few topics that are involved when we use the term "family of origin issues". Some of these (or all of these) may or may not be relevant to you and you might find you resonate more with some than others.


Attachment & Self Worth

Developmentally, we are dependent on our caregivers for a significant portion of the early stages of our lives. We need caregivers to survive. And depending on the caregiver, we learn we can trust our needs to be met most of the time or we learn that we cannot trust others to meet our needs most of the time (or something unpredictable in between). This sets the stage for the type of attachment styles we develop and further impacts the way we relate to others and the world around us. We derive meaning from the way our early caregivers interact with us. Our families or contexts in which we are raised give us our earliest experiences in which we learn if we are valuable, special, and matter to someone...or not. We learn how to gauge our worth or seek connection: if it is inherent or earned with achievements and accolades, athletic prowess, and academic success. We might earn it through being a "good girl/boy/child" or an accommodating and pleasing child. We might learn what is "good" and what is "bad" in our family, and so begins our relationships with shame/guilt and ultimately, our relationship with ourselves.

In therapy, identity and self-work can look as different as the clients who walk through the office doors (or open up their laptop screens) for session. Topics such as inner child work, self-differentiation, setting boundaries, re-storying old narratives, redefining and reframing values and qualities, and attachment work all address how you are relating to yourself and the world around you via the lens of your FOO and learned attachment styles.


Family Roles

Some of the most relevant FOO work I do with clients involves understanding how the roles they played in their family growing up (and now) impact their life in other areas outside of their family of origin. For example, a client might come in wanting to work on people pleasing and how detrimental that has been in her career and friendships because she's finding it very difficult to speak up for herself and ask for what she wants and needs. After a few sessions discussing her family of origin, she might realize that it all started in childhood trying to please her parents, playing peacemaker during their divorce, or caretaking their emotions. Because we are so dependent as children on our caretakers, we often will do anything to keep them around and keep our attachment to them -- even if it costs us significantly. This is how family dynamics and environments shape us. This client learned as a child that to keep her caregivers close and happy, she needed to emotionally caretake and please them to get connection. After learning this and having it reinforced over and over again in her own family, this client continues playing this role in her other relationships, but with different outcomes. Where it served her in her FOO, it does not serve her in her friendships or professional relationships. Bringing awareness, through therapy, about how these old family roles play out in current day-to-day life can help change these patterns.


Conflict & Communication

In my work with couples, conflict and communication challenges almost always trace back to differences in family of origin: my family avoids conflict and brushes things under the rug; your family likes to hash things out right here and now until someone is right and someone is wrong. My family is soft-spoken and everyone gets a turn to speak; your family is loud and boisterous and people must fight to be the loudest in order to be heard. My family does not talk about emotions; your family can't stop talking about their feelings and opinions. It goes on and on. Our families teach us certain implicit and explicit rules, especially rules around communication and conflict. Family rules are often informed by culture, religion, class, beliefs, or value systems. We learn somethings are off-limit, while others are dinner-table conversation appropriate. Often times, we are punished--usually with shame or guilt--when we break these spoken and unspoken rules, which leads to internalization of these rules and other shame-based narratives.

FOO work around conflict and communication patterns starts with acknowledging the rules you have learned and continue to abide by--usually without awareness! This new awareness then leads to decisions about what type of communication patterns and approaches to conflict you want to plant in your garden in the stead of the ones you inherited/learned.


Generational Legacies & Intergenerational Trauma

We now know that intergenerational trauma, trauma that happened to your ancestors and predecessors, can make its way into your own DNA and body (even your dreams). Some people inherit gardens loaded with intergenerational trauma caused by various stressors or challenges such as poverty, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.--trauma and stressors they might never have experienced for themselves, but are nonetheless taught in subtle and powerful ways to the next generation. For example, hyper-arousal is a common symptom that arises after a traumatic event, where you are on alert for threats, scanning your environment constantly, or anticipating worst case scenarios at all times in order to prepare for or prevent bad things from happening. This symptom, while a typical response to trauma in someone who has experienced trauma, can be taught and passed down by vigilant parents, teaching their kids not to trust others or themselves, making the world feel like a constantly dangerous place where there is no room for rest or relaxation because one must always be on guard for the worst to happen. While this may serve an important purpose or reflect a true reality of danger, depending on the environment in which one finds themselves, the chronic stress of being in a state of hyper-arousal and threat does significant damage to the mind and body. It can be difficult for those taught this state of being to challenge it in favor of taking time to rest, relax, be taken care of by others, and to appropriately depend on others when called for. Working through intergenerational trauma with a therapist looks a lot like naming legacies you've inherited, understanding the impact of systems larger than you and your family, externalizing the blame in order to foster compassion, understanding, and validation, as well as working to challenge and heal some of the perpetuated suffering.


Gender, Power, Money, Sex, & Relationships

Our families teach us our earliest values and beliefs, before we even have a chance to form our own opinions and worldviews. In our families of origin we learn about gender, power, money, relationships, and sex. We learn that gender can mean who cooks and who works. We learn that gender can mean equality and fluidity. We learn that it can mean who is powerful and who is powerless. We learn about money and what financial security or insecurity feels like. We learn to see the world as a place of abundance or scarcity. We also learn how to share affection, what love looks like, how to act in relationship, and how to treat others. We learn what is "normal" in terms of displays of affection and physical touch. We learn what is not okay in terms of sexuality, bodies, and acting on our desires. FOO work in therapy can involve unpacking our biases and beliefs around concepts like these in order to have more agency and choice in how we relate to others. With awareness we can have more say in how we move through the world.


Our earliest experiences with our families of origin shape our biases, tendencies, and what we consider "normal." These experiences make up our gardens. As adults, through the therapy process, we learn what does or doesn't serve us anymore: what might need to be uprooted and unlearned like racism and sexism or what needs to be planted and learned like how to communicate vulnerable emotions to a romantic partner or how to accept one's sexuality. In therapy, FOO work can help unpack our earliest messages around influential constructs and breakdown old narratives we continue to perpetuate, but that don't actually serve us or fit us anymore, so that we can learn to live in ways that support our wellbeing individually and relationally.


How Naming Your Feelings Improves Relationships (Including the one with yourself)

In sitting with clients and myself, I like to start off with the simple, yet, powerful question, “How are you feeling?”

It’s slightly different from, “How are you doing?” or “how’s it going?”

Asking yourself or others how they feel is very specific and lends opportunity for you to check in with yourself emotionally. Before rolling your eyes, hear me out.

I know talking about emotions and naming feelings can be challenging and uncomfortable. Sometimes this is because we may not have the words to name the feeling, or weren’t socialized to recognize them and talk about them, or we’re so out of touch with our feelings that it may seem like more of a headache to name them than to ignore. It’s easy to answer, “I’m fine,” or “I’m good,” to those other questions, but neither one of those answers actually name a feeling. 

A feeling is an actual sensation tied to your emotional state. By answering “fine” or “good,” we’re not exactly connecting to an actual emotion. Of course, at times, this type of response is appropriate. For instance, if you’re checking out at the counter in a store, you may not want your cashier to know you’re super frustrated with your partner for not listening to you that morning. However, checking in with yourself or those you are close with can be extremely important. Naming feelings such as “I’m frustrated,” or “joyful” gives yourself a pulse on your emotional state which ultimately creates connection to self, or as I like to call it, your spirit.

Naming your emotions affords you with the opportunity of acknowledging yourself. This can be the first step to creating a relationship with yourself. Growing to understand yourself is the foundation to your mental health and external relationships. If you’re not certain of your feelings, you may not be aware of your needs and how to meet them. This makes it hard to acknowledge and navigate your moods and behaviors in a supportive way. It’s ok, we’re all figuring it out.

It feels nice to be acknowledged by someone else, why not allow that to be something you do for yourself? As Beyoncé said in her song “Me, Myself, and I,” “I’m gon’ be my own best friend.”

(The queen herself is never wrong but…I digress.)

It’s a social norm to greet or acknowledge others when we walk into a room. You can make it a similar norm with yourself acknowledge how you’re feeling from time to time. Your spirit will smile when you acknowledge it. More than likely, you wouldn’t ignore a child who is crying, a friend who seems unsettled during a social function, or a family member experiencing joy when celebrating an accomplishment. But how often do you ignore yourself? It is an act of kindness and self-compassion to not ignore your emotions.

Building a relationship with yourself is the first step to building any relationship, especially as an adult.

As adults we often navigate relationships on our own because we’ve left the guidance of our parents and caretakers. We left the nest without a proper manual for relationship building, as if a manual exists for anything in adulthood. Often times you can find that guidance in therapy along with trial and error through various relationships. Nothing beats the opportunity to build and explore the longest standing relationship that you will ever have, a relationship with yourself. 

Naming your emotions with yourself can also be helpful for your relationships with others. Being clear with yourself about how you’re feeling helps you communicate to other people more effectively, and makes it much more likely that your needs will be met by the other person, and definitely will help you feel more heard, understood and cared for, even though it’s really vulnerable. Despite discomfort, you are worthy of understanding and getting your needs met, and that’s on periodt!

By recognizing a feeling such as frustration, you allow yourself to recognize this emotional state within. This invites you to potentially explore why you’re feeling that way or where it’s coming from so that you can address it. Feeling frustrated may not feel good in the moment, but processing and exploring why you feel this way can help change the feeling or care for yourself as you feel it. 

Frustration signals that maybe your needs aren’t being met in the moment or you feel misunderstood by someone. Instead of potentially channeling your frustrations toward someone else in a way that isn’t helpful or intentional, you’ve acknowledged your emotion and invited yourself to process the situation. This way your emotion can be seen and validated by yourself, and then communicated to the other person. 

Becoming self-aware after processing your emotions can lead to understanding yourself, connection to the physical implications of your emotional state, along with a path to finding useful coping skills when needed. Once you’ve processed what made you frustrated, you can also name your bodily responses to recognize the impact of this emotion on you physically; furthermore, this deepens your connection with yourself. For instance, when I’m frustrated I tend to get hot, my shoulders become tense, my jaw tightens, and I’m not breathing as deeply. By recognizing my physical state in moments of frustration, I’ve realized my go-to coping mechanism is to take deeper breaths and focus on my breathing pattern.

This allows for me to slow my thoughts and responses to others; as a result, I can be more tactful in my responses so the way I’m communicating will potentially be more receptive. Although breathing may not be your go-to coping skill, or how you would cope with “frustration,” in particular, naming your emotion will allow to recognize if and what coping skill you may need.  After exploring your emotion, it’s beneficial to explore coping skills that work for you with various grounding techniques such as naming sensations, meditating, engaging in movement whether it be dance or taking a walk, hanging out with people who love and support you, or engaging if your favorite hobby.

You may also externalize the issue so that there’s no reason to channel frustration toward someone else or yourself ineffectively. Externalizing means to name the problem not the person. 

Externalizing the issue creates room for you to detach the issue from a person to looking at it more objectively. Ask yourself, “what is the issue in this moment outside of the individuals involved?”. This helps you invite a little grace by shifting your perspective from blaming someone to instead, seeing the problem removed from the person. For instance, your frustration may not actually be with the person in the moment, but in the fact that it’s misunderstanding in communication; as a result, communication is the issue and not the person. This process can alleviate that frustration and maybe even transition that emotion to hope, or feeling as sense of clarity, after processing your emotion. 

It can also help you more effectively communicate to someone what you’re frustrated about. Rather than fighting words such as, “You’re an asshole”, you can say something like “I’m frustrated because I feel unheard right now”. You’re shifting the frustration in the situation from the person to the dynamic, which can help you and the other person face it together, rather than facing against each other.

Naming your emotion may seem simple, yet, a powerful exercise that will open doors for processing your feelings and deepening relationships. This process lends itself to you becoming connected to yourself, understanding yourself, and becoming aware of your needs in the moment. Identifying what’s happening for you internally can be the first step to building a solid relationship with your spirit, with your soul, with you.

Think of how many music artists have made millions off of naming and acknowledging their feelings: Drake, Whitney Houston, Adele, Otis Redding, the list goes on. If you’re not certain of how to put your feelings into words, feel free to Google “feelings wheel,” or “wheel of emotions” or check out this blog post about it.

You can check in with your feelings anywhere, anytime. So, now I have to ask, how are you feeling?

Read about more ways to cultivate a relationship with yourself here.

If you’d like to work with a therapist at Riverbank Therapy, fill out our contact form!

5 More Tips for Times of Transition

By: Abby Lombardo, LMFT

If you missed part one of this post, head here to read it now


6. It’s OK to not be OK.

       The phrase “It’s OK to not be OK” is meant to normalize your experience, whatever the not okayness may be or may stem from. It is sad to me that we need these reminders, because the society we live in, in most of America, subscribes to this toxic positivity, good vibes only, put your best foot forward at all times, filtered social media persona… The messiness of our humanity is often experienced behind closed doors. And when that is the case, we often isolate ourselves further because of the lack of representation or the belief that no one else has moments like these, struggles like these. What I mean when I say it’s okay, is that it is NORMAL. It is part of the range of human experiences. Shit happens. Life happens. It is not a personal failing. You are not failing at life. When things become significantly distressing and cause bigger issues in our life, that’s a sign to address and work on some things, maybe with a therapist. Still, most of my sessions, despite the issue or diagnosis of the client, is about reminding people that what they are experiencing is valid, it makes sense, and it is a normal experience within the realm of human experiences. We often have to start there before we can get anywhere else.

What it’s OK to not be OK looks like:

Being sad.



Hugging yourself.

Telling a friend how you’re truly doing.

Being vulnerable with your partner about your needs in the relationship.

Being messy.

Having a bad day.

Not feeling generous towards people.

Not wanting to say yes to things, people, events, invites…

Not wanting to smile.

Not forcing yourself to smile.

Taking a mental health/sick/self care day off from work.

Not liking yourself or how you look.

Feeling anxious

Feeling depressed.


7. Know when to take control and when to let go.

This is a common struggle I can highlight in my own life and the life of most of my clients: the struggle to know when to take control and when to just let a thing go. They are two very important skills. One, feeling empowered in your sense of agency and sense of self control in the world. Two, feeling the peace of knowing you’ve done all you can and it is now time to switch course, pivot, regroup, and proceed differently. The third skill is knowing how to discern when the situation calls for one or the other. So, how do you know when it’s time to take control and empower yourself to push through or to relinquish control and graciously surrender?

What taking control and letting go can look like:

Asking yourself:

What is my goal here?

Am I afraid of something happening if I let go of control?

       What do I have the ability to impact in this situation?

       What would accepting the situation do for me?

Realizing the limits of your own control.

Surrendering to the unknown mystery of life that cannot be controlled.

Practicing meditation.

Move your body, which can help regulate your nervous system and the intensity of the situation.


8. Connect with yourself.

The world is raging around you. Sometimes, you have nowhere else to go but inward. I encourage you to make a home within yourself. A retreat. A place where you can rest, gain insight, sit with what is, explore a new place through visualization, imagination, reading, curiosity. Cultivate connection with yourself in a way that becomes your best resource when everything around you feels too much or too out of control. In order to do this, we often have to shine a light on all the shadowy corners of our selves we’d really rather not have to face. These are the most important places we can go in order to befriend ourselves. When we can engage the parts of ourselves we deem unworthy, shameful, or unacceptable with curiosity, compassion, and gentleness then we can learn to inhabit ourselves more fully. Embodied people learn to be grateful for their shadows, because they have much to teach us about ourselves.

What connecting with our selves can look like:


Being vulnerable.

Identifying areas where you carry shame.

Identifying parts of yourself you often reject or find intolerable in others.

Sitting with yourself in silence.

Bringing curiosity to your experiences and behaviors.

Validating your own feelings.

Offer yourself compassion, care, and kindness.

Imagine interacting with a younger version of yourself, what would you say or do for the is younger you, that maybe you needed then?


9. Remember your values.

When I feel adrift in session with a client, it’s usually because I don’t know what guides them, what matters to them, what they value most. Sometimes they aren’t even aware themselves! Values ground us and transcend us, they give our actions purpose and meaning. They make this existence matter. When we live into our values, we feel aligned and purposeful. We feel satisfied and fulfilled. When we walk away from our values, we often feel dissonance between the person we want to be and the person we are behaving like. The easiest way to close that gap is to 1) be aware of what your values are 2) Find small actionable steps that lead in the direction of your value. We can never “accomplish” a value. Living into a value is never done, it is something we continually must choose to step towards. No one lives into their values 100% of the time. Yet the more mindful we are about our choices lining up with our values, the more direction, purpose, and meaning we derive from life.

What remembering your values can look like:

Complete a “Values Sort Exercise” by reading through a list online and organizing the words that stand out to you most.

Investigate past positive experiences where you felt you had a strong sense of self, direction, satisfaction, fulfillment, purpose, or meaning and mine those experiences for clues as to what you might have been valuing or living into at those times.

Break down small, actionable, realistic steps for living into one of your identified values.

Offer yourself compassion for making mistakes or not living up to your goals/values.

Surround yourself with people who share similar values or inspire you to move towards your goals and values.

Be curious about your values, where they originate, how they feel to you, is there a socio-cultural narrative that impacts these values (positively or negatively)?

Make conscious choices about the things you choose to value and how you show you value them.


10.  Prioritize what’s most important.

In times of transition, and in general, we only have so much energy. While it is a renewable resource, our energy is also limited per day. Our world is so full of distractions and non-stop media grabbing for our time and attention – also precious resources. We seek entertainment and distraction to soothe our overwhelmed and overstimulated nervous systems, thereby re-starting the whole cycle. Prioritizing what’s important is a skill that helps us cut through the static, narrow our focus, and direct our energy where it matters most. It takes conscious effort and mindful awareness to choose where our energy, time, and attention is invested. But that’s exactly what is happening, no matter what we are doing we are investing it somewhere. We invest it in entertainment and media, we invest it in work for money to live off of, we invest it in our relationships to maintain and enjoy them, we invest it in ourselves to learn and grow. Or you could say: Wherever you spend your time and energy, there your heart and treasure lie also. So be wise with where you allocate your most precious of resources. Ensure that you are investing in the things that truly matter to you, that truly are important.

What prioritizing what’s most important can look like:

Taking stock of your daily routine/agenda

Clarifying your needs and goals for a day/week.

Identifying what is important in your life and ways you show that to yourself and others

Being honest about areas in your life that are important yet have been neglected in terms of “investment” of your time, energy, and attention

Look for small, actionable steps for re-investing in neglected areas

Make a schedule/create a routine/set a reminder in order to continually and intentionally prioritize what’s important



Remember that these are only suggestions of things to possibly try, things that might help. Please trust yourself to navigate your needs in this time of transition. And when you feel like it’s too hard or you can’t do it much more on your own, please know that we at Riverbank Therapy would love to partner with you in your journey and come alongside to support you.

How to Practice Self-Compassion

What is self-compassion?

Self-compassion is very similar to compassion for others, but directed towards yourself. It is noticing that you are suffering, and meeting yourself with kindness and warmth in the midst of that pain. It is caring for yourself in moments where you’re hurting. My favorite way to think about self-compassion is to treat yourself in that moment like you would a close friend.

Kristin Neff ( breaks down self-compassion into three components:

Self-kindness (instead of self-judgement). This means that you meet yourself with warmth and kindness, rather than criticism and judgement.

Common humanity (instead of isolation). This means recognizing that pain is part of the human experience and that you are not alone in suffering (knowing that your specific pain is unique to you).

Mindfulness (instead of overidentification). This means feeling and observing our emotions without getting overly sucked in by them, or overly identifying with them. Nervous system regulation skills really help here.


“With self-compassion we mindfully accept that the moment is painful, and embrace ourselves with kindness and care in response, remembering that imperfection is part of the shared human experience. This allows us to hold ourselves in love and connection, giving ourselves the support and comfort needed to bear the pain, while providing the optimal conditions for growth and transformation.” -Kristin Neff


How do I practice self-compassion?

There are a few ways. They all start with noticing when and how you are judging, criticizing or being mean to yourself. Just bringing awareness to this pattern will likely start to create a desire to be kinder to yourself (kind of like the light in the fridge; it changes just by virtue of being observed).

Once you’ve noticed self-criticism, my personal favorite way to practice self-compassion is to ask myself what I would say to a friend. I wouldn’t say “you piece of shit, get over it.” Instead, I might say, “this really hurts right now, what do you need?” and then try to meet that need. Giving this to yourself is, to me, the essence of self-compassion.

Other ways you can practice:

-name what you’re feeling, ask what you need, and meet that need;

-make a mantra like “pain is human, I am allowed to feel this”

-place your hand on your heart and take a few breaths;

-head to to download Neff’s “self-compassion break” meditation and other guided practices;

-practice lovingkindness meditation.

Why is self-compassion so difficult?

Most of us are critical of ourselves. We have a front row seat to all of our flaws and weaknesses. It’s far easier to be critical of yourself than others, partially because you know your soft spots better than others. It’s also easier because being mean to yourself often happens internally, so others don’t see it and call you out on it. When you’re mean to others, it gets noticed. With self-criticism, you can fly under the radar.

Self-compassion is possible to cultivate, even if you hate yourself. It takes practice. You don’t have to believe it at first; keep practicing. Right now, you’ve got a superhighway of self-criticism, and an overgrown neglected path of self-compassion. It takes time and consistency to cut a new path, and turn the self-compassion path into the highway default.


I feel guilty when I’m kind to myself. How do I deal with that?

This is a common reaction to self-compassion. Remind yourself that you deserve kindness and compassion. Always.

Questions to reflect on:

Where did you learn that you don’t deserve kindness?

Where did you learn that criticism is the best path to motivation and success?

Do you believe that criticism is working for you?


Self-compassion feels like an excuse. How can I do this and still be accountable?

Accountability is part of self-compassion. Accountability and shame are different. Calling yourself bad or shaming yourself for doing something wrong is very different than actually holding yourself accountable. Shame does not promote behavior change. Compassionate accountability does. Self-compassion can be softness and gentleness, and it can also be calling yourself on your shit.

I like to think about self-compassion as talking to yourself the way you'd talk to a friend. And sometimes, a good friend will kindly (or with tough love) tell you when you're wrong and need to do better.

Accountability with self-compassion means holding yourself to your values and how you want to show up in the world, while not calling yourself bad or awful for making a mistake. Accountability and self-compassion are similar to self-care.

Self-care is not always a spa day. Sometimes self-care is hard stuff, like setting that boundary, buckling down and doing the task you've been putting off, etc.

Self-compassion is not letting yourself off the hook. It's being kind to yourself, and, at times, that kindness means telling yourself that you did something outside of your value system and committing to doing better.


Self-compassion is a key skill for mental and emotional well-being. I highly recommend diving into this work, with a therapist if you’re able!

If you’d like to schedule with one of our therapists, click here to book your free consultation now!

Empathy 101

by Toni Aswegan, LMHC, NCC

Let’s dig into this massive concept!

What is the difference between sympathy and empathy and compassion?

Sympathy is identifying with someone else’s situation, while empathy involves identifying with what they’re feeling and thinking during that situation. Empathy is harder and more vulnerable because it requires you to identify and experience within yourself the same emotion they are experiencing right now. That’s also what makes it more powerful than sympathy. Compassion is similar to empathy, but the main difference is that compassion is empathy PLUS the desire to help.

A note on terminology: “empathic” and “empathetic” are synonyms.

Is being an empath a real thing?

Maybe! Social scientists seem to have mixed opinions on this topic. For my purposes, I don’t feel the need to know whether it is a “real” thing (by which I’m assuming people mean “an inborn characteristically high level of empathy”). When I’m talking about an “empath” I mean someone who is highly attuned to other’s emotional states. If the label of “empath” is useful for you, great! If it’s not, you don’t have to pick that label up. You can call yourself what you want.

Does everyone have a baseline amount of empathy? Does early attachment wire you for more empathy?

Everyone (arguably, other than psychopaths) are born with the capacity for empathy. It is a trait humans naturally possess. Our experiences can increase our ability to experience and express empathy, or they can stunt our ability to experience and express empathy.

Attuned interactions with early caregivers (interactions in which a caregivers helps us name and care for what we feel) helps us develop both a theory of self and other. When we don’t experience attunement regularly as children, we develop a less stable sense of self and less skills to regulate emotions, and thus may have a harder time with empathy later on in life.

On attachment styles:

Those with avoidant attachment tend to experience a lack of attunement in childhood. Their emotional states are often ignored or criticized, so those with avoidant attachment might have a harder time experiencing and expressing empathy. Those with anxious attachment tend to experience enmeshment as children, meaning their emotional states are merged with their caregivers rather than differentiated. Those with anxious attachment might have a harder time stopping empathy and setting boundaries around empathy.

Why do some people struggle with empathy?

There are a ton of possibilities here. It’s possible they didn’t have a lot of attunement in early childhood. It’s possible they are not very in touch with their own emotions and so have a hard time connecting with those of others. Maybe they are easily dysregulated by emotion. Maybe they are stressed or otherwise burned out, which makes it harder to perspective take. Maybe they are judging another person, which blocks empathy.

Humans are generally born with the capacity to experience and express empathy.

Your childhood and attachment experiences can help you become more empathic, but even if you didn't build this skill from a young age, it is a skill you can learn and improve. And it's worthwhile to do so. Empathy will help you feel more connected, happier, and makes the world a better place.

What skills will help me build and practice empathy?

-reading fiction books;

-watching movies;

-going to therapy;

-practicing self-compassion;

-asking yourself questions about other people's inner worlds and behavior (swipe).

All of these actions help you build the muscle of curiosity and imagination about what is going on for another person.

Question to ask yourself to practice empathy for others:

-how might this person be feeling right now?

-how might I feel if I were in their position?

-what might this person have experienced in their past to lead them to this action/feeling/belief?

-even if you disagree with it, how might their behavior make sense?


What are some practical ways to express empathy?

There’s no script here. Use your body language and facial expression. Reflect what you think the other person is feeling “I imagine that was really scary” or “You’re feeling really lonely, huh?” with the option for them to correct you (we’re going for accurate empathy here, y’all). Get curious and ask questions, then reflect more.

How to move cognitive empathy to emotional/visceral empathy?

Being able to think through or understand empathy is great, but letting yourself feel it is really what other’s resonate with. Practice feeling your own emotions, this will help you get more comfortable with others. Therapy is a great place to practice this skill.

How do have empathy when I don’t agree with the other person?

This is totally possible! Empathy is not agreement. I can disagree with someone staying with an abusive partner, and empathize with their fear and helplessness about the decision to leave or not. I disagree with their decision, but I know moments where I’ve felt scared and helpless, and I can connect with them on that. Remember, empathy is connecting with the feelings, not the situation.

How to ask for empathy?

“I don’t need solutions right now, I just need you to know and understand how I feel.”

Remember, not everyone who is empathic has the skills to communicate it, so be patient.


At what point does experiencing empathy for others become unhealthy?

You’ll notice empathy becoming unhealthy when:

-you have little to no space to feel your own feelings

-You can’t stop thinking about other people

-You can’t sleep, are experiencing depression or anxiety related to other people’s feeling

-You overly adjust your behavior to influence others’ emotions or to take care of them

-You’re feeling burned out, disconnected, and losing your ability to have compassion and empathy (this is a SURE sign for me as a therapist).

How to set boundaries when you’re overly empathic?

-take some time to focus on your own feelings.

-Remind yourself that you’re not in the other person’s situation.

-Remind yourself what IS and IS NOT yours to be responsible for.

-Practice symbolically setting other peoples stuff down (write it down, pick an object to represent it and leave it outside the room).

-Get empathy from other people yourself. Seek support of your own, especially if you are consistently in the position of supporting others.


Wow, there’s a lot to say about empathy! It’s almost like its MY JOB! I really believe that empathy and compassion can make the world a better place. That’s why I do what I do.

Want to book with one of our wonderfully empathic therapists? Click here to schedule your free 20 minute consultation!