
Tips for Working with Guilt

by: Abby Birk, LMFT

Guilt is an extremely common emotion that gets brought up in therapy sessions by almost everyone. When we feel guilty it can feel all-consuming. The thought spirals that accompany guilt can pin us down for quite a long time. We feel incapacitated by it. We feel beholden to it. We burden ourselves with it. I've decided to write this blog post about guilt, hoping to offer some alternative ways to work with guilt when it shows up for you.

What is guilt?

Guilt is a core emotion for most humans, meaning, we all have felt it at one time or another, across most cultures and nations. You might be wondering why we even have to have an emotion like guilt, what is it's purpose?! Why did it survive the millenia/million years of evolution?!

The theory is that guilt serves as an alarm for when we step away from our values or what is important to us. Meaning, that when we do something that violates our values, belief, or meaning system, guilt results. Guilt's alarm system can be helpful in many cases. Guilt moves us towards remorse which can lead to repair, reconciliation, connection (which evolutionarily meant a greater chance of surviving in a group with other humans). When we do something "bad" according to our beliefs, guilt tells us that we violated our own code and need to course correct and take a different path or action next time. And so the feedback loop continues, moving us closer and closer to a meaningful, aligned life where our actions line up with our values resulting in more satisfaction, purpose, fulfillment, and happiness. And who doesn't want more of that?!

Guilt is not shame. Guilt tells us when we've done something "bad" or "wrong" according to our values. Shame tells us "we are bad". See the difference? Guilt is behavior/action based. Shame is personal and character based. Guilt can be useful, at times. Shame sucks. Shame is an important emotion to learn how to manage so it does not rule your life and run the whole show, cause it will try to. But same with guilt, if we have a strong moral code filled with many "goods" and "bads" and "rights" and "wrongs" we are going to experience a lot of alarms (aka a lot of guilt). Sometimes guilt is helpful, sometimes it is not. While shame can be useful for the same reason guilt is: to help us recognize when we act out of alignment with ourselves and help us course correct and stay connected with others, it is most often not helpful due to it's tendency to attack our character and go for the most vulnerable parts of ourselves that easily believe we are no good, worthless, bad people. I won't be talking about shame today, but Brené Brown's work researching and healing shame is life-changing and worth a peek, if your interested in shame as a topic.

Helpful vs. Unhelpful Guilt

Just above, we identified there are two types of guilt: helpful vs. unhelpful. The first step to working with guilt is to discern which type you are feeling. How do you tell? Good question. Usually it requires checking in with yourself with these types of questions:

Did I intentionally choose to act in a way that violates a value that I hold?

Did I accidentally or mindlessly act in a way that somehow violates a value that I hold?

Did this action hurt someone (emotionally, physically, psychologically, etc.)?

Did this choice hurt me?

If someone else were to do this same action/behavior would I think it was hurtful or not okay?

Do I feel remorse, regret, or apologetic?

If you answered mostly yes to these questions, then you are most likely experiencing helpful guilt. If you answered mostly no to these questions, then you are most likely experiencing unhelpful guilt.

Do I feel this way because I am not living up to someone else's value or expectation of me?

Do I feel this way because someone else has an opinion about this that influences me and my view?

Do I feel like I am disappointing or upsetting others, but the choice/action/behavior itself is not inherently bad or wrong or hurtful?

If my friend or loved one were to make this choice/action/behavior, would I think they made a mistake?

Do I feel like this because I was taught this was bad/wrong but I don't truly believe this was bad/wrong?

If you answered mostly yes to these questions, then you are most likely experiencing unhelpful guilt. If you answered mostly no to these questions, then you are most likely experiencing helpful guilt.

After you have a better understanding of what type of guilt you are working with, you can then take steps to address it more effectively.

What To Do with Unhelpful Guilt

There are a few tricks to use when experiencing unhelpful guilt that I use with clients, who seem to get some relief from using them. First, challenge the reason for the guilt. Sometimes it is appropriate to challenge the belief, value, or assumption that your guilt is telling you that you violated or acted against - especially if it is unhelpful guilt, which means that you probably didn't do something that needs to be repaired or corrected or apologized for.

For example, if I decide to set a boundary with my mother-in-law when I visit their house, that I am going to stay in a hotel, to accommodate my need for alone time and more personal downtime and space while I'm with family over the holidays and my mother-in-law starts yelling at me that I am selfish and I am ruining the holidays for everyone, and my poor younger step-sibling is going to see less of me and I am bringing down the mood for the whole family by not agreeing to stay at their place -- then the guilt I might feel as a result of her reaction does not mean that setting the boundary or even the boundary I set was wrong or bad. It probably just means that my mother-in-law didn't like the boundary I set. Therefore, it is appropriate to challenge the assumptions leading to the guilt by reminding myself:

It is not bad or wrong to set appropriate boundaries that help me and others meet my needs better.

It is okay to feel upset after my mother-in-law responded like that, it does not mean I did something bad or caused her or others harm. Etc.

Not everyone is going to respond well to me when I set boundaries, doesn't mean I am responsible for their emotions.

Setting this boundary does not make me a bad daughter-in-law/step-sister/family member. Being a daughter-in-law/step-sister/family member is important to me and by setting this boundary I am able to show up more authentically and with more energy and care, which is how I want to show up in these roles and engage with others. This truly aligns more with my values than just doing what people expect of me.

Many value/belief systems and moral codes are taught to us by our caregivers, education institutions, religious institutions, and cultures. Some of these beliefs we grow to hold dear and integrate as our own as we become adults. A lot of these beliefs we grow out of and yet still carry with us and still live our lives by them. Sometimes this is a part of surviving our family or surroundings, sometimes it is not intentional. By challenging the value, teaching, or thought that is the reason underlying the guilt, we get more clarity on our own values and make more informed choices moving forward as to how to course correct in the future.

What To Do with Helpful Guilt

Helpful guilt is tough. Because it's there for a reason. It's a message meant to guide you in a better, different direction for the purpose of better alignment and fulfillment. When you experience guilt for a "good reason" or a reason that makes sense and is valid, then theses courses of action may be important: take accountability, repair if possible, seek connection, and then forgiveness (from yourself and/or others). This isn't a foolproof formula. Sometimes repair won't be possible, someone may not want to be in a relationship with you after you've behaved or acted in a way that has hurt them, sometimes forgiveness will not be forthcoming. What do you do then? Take care. Take care of yourself while you feel this difficult emotion. Just like sadness, regret, grief, or anger, guilt responds well to self-compassion.

When you are feeling a hard feeling, you can always be kind to yourself while you are feeling it. Feelings don't last forever (as sensations in your body). They come and go, ebb and flow, are stronger some days and don't come up in the same way for years, in some cases. Trust in the process of feeling your feelings through without plunging into the depths of shame, self-blame, or self-loathing. If that is your tendency, start with observational statements: I am feeling a lot of guilt because I believe I did something that hurt someone else or violated my value of not inciting harm to others. I am feeling a lot of shame and anger at myself. This is really hard.

And then, take care:

What do I need while I am feeling this emotion?

How can I punish myself less and take care of myself more through this difficult time?

What is a meaningful and appropriate way I can make amends/ seek out connection or support/forgive myself for being human?

What coping skills can I use in this moment to help manage the intensity of these feelings?

One Last Skill

In A Murder At The End of the World a murder-mystery multi-episode drama series streaming on Hulu at time of this writing, there's an incredible quote about guilt (I'll paraphrase here): "Guilt is a lot easier than the truth." I believe this quote means that most of the time it is easier to blame ourselves and lean into the guilt we are feeling rather than face reality as it is.

In the example used above, it could have been easy or familiar for me to give into my mother-in-law's guilt-inducing reaction to my boundary setting and blame myself for upsetting her and just agree to her demands, making myself uncomfortable for the rest of the visit and showing up less and less authentically. What is harder is stating reality: My mother-in-law reacts poorly when I set my own boundaries and try to care for my needs above other's needs. My mother-in-law's reaction is hurtful. My mother-in-law's response is more manipulative and controlling than it is concerned or caring.

I encourage my clients to face the hard truths of their situations and challenge the worn paths of self-blame, self-loathing, and self-denial. Hold space that it can be more than one thing happening at the same time. It's worth stating the truth and recognizing things are the way they are and that you feel some type of way about it (grief, anger, sadness, resentment) and guilt might just be "easier" or more familiar than feeling those other tough emotions and facing your reality head on.

In parting, I hope you take what you will and leave what you won't, so that you can have more clarity and feel empowered to respond to guilt in a more informed and useful way.  Good luck out there, don't forget to be kind to yourself!

If you want more individualized support for working with guilt, we have therapists with openings at Riverbank Therapy! Click here to schedule a free 20 minute consultation.

5 Tips for Sharing Big Feelings

by Bobbi Smith, LICSWA

“Big Feelings” is my term for the feelings that aren’t fun to feel- sadness, grief, pain, worry, etc.  It’s true that joy, love, contentment, and other positive feelings are just as big, but it tends to be easier to share those with others.  We may worry that if we share something negative we will be a burden, ruin someone’s day, or make the feelings bigger.  But it’s important to talk about them.  It actually builds community and connection.  Other people have Big Feelings too and sharing them helps make relationships more authentic.

 Often, we can share our big feelings, but end up intellectualizing them instead of really feeling them.

“Intellectualizing” means turning feelings into thoughts, either to explain why they’re happening or to try to find a way out of them by turning them into a fully mental experience.  Intellectualizing can be helpful because it can help us think through conflict without blaming anyone or can help us understand ourselves and our experience more.  It becomes a problem when someone uses reason and logic to avoid uncomfortable emotions.

Here are 5 tools you can use to share your Big Feelings with those around you more effectively:

1)  Choose who to share with

This step will require discernment about who might be someone you can trust.  Here are some tips for how to identify a trustworthy person to talk to:

  • They show interest in you by asking how you are doing or how your day was

  • When you respond, they show they are listening by acknowledging what you shared or offer their own experience in kind

  • They don't often share stories about other people

  • They don't tell other people's big secrets without permission

  • They talk about their role in a situation, not just other peoples

  • They acknowledge their Big Feelings:  sadness, anger, grief, worry

  • They don't say bad things about groups of people as a whole

  • You have all ready talked about some other things, so you have an established relationship

For more information about how to tell who is trustworthy, please look into the BRAVING framework by Brene Brown.  It is really helpful!  


2) Take a sip of your Big Feeling

This is a concept called titration.  Titration means to slowly acknowledge little doses of the feeling instead of being overtaken by it.  Think of it like this:  Your feeling is inside a big pot.  The big pot represents everything there is to feel.  You are simply taking a spoon and slurping the taste (unless slurping is too rude).  That’s it.  You don’t have to jump in the pot, you don’t even have to eat a full bowl.  Start with one spoon and slowly sip.  We are wading into this pool- not jumping in.  


3) Lead with the feeling

This is the part where you confide in someone else.  This might have a quality of breaking the ice.  It might even have a quality of bringing up something taboo.  You might be going against the grain.  There’s some risk involved, but ultimately the prize is worth it.  Leading with the feeling means focusing on the feeling itself instead of the story you have about it or the meaning you’ve made of it.  This is the hard part.  Here are some tips for breaking the ice:  

  • When someone asks you how you are, take a sigh before you reply- this will signal to the other person that you’re not doing well even before you use words.

  • Use a familiar greeting: “I don’t know dude, I’m just feeling a lot of…”

  • Be direct:  “To tell you the truth, I’m…”.  

Of course, you can give one or two sentences to provide context to the other person, but don’t get too lost in that.  Remember your spoon.  

If you’re unsure how to describe what you’re feeling, check out this blog on steps to feeling your feelings.


4) It’s okay to say “I don’t know what to do”

Intellectualizing can become so normative that it might be expected that you have a strategy to address the feeling you’re having even as you experience it.  How will you make it go away?  You don’t have to know yet.  You don’t have to have a sophisticated plan.  Just stay close to the feeling.  Experiment with different language to float the fact that you’re not trying to come up with a solution right now- you are titrating, not fixing.


5) Observe the conversation while it’s happening

Perhaps someone will respond with mutual recognition:  “Me too… I’ve been feeling the same thing.”  Perhaps not.  If they do, here’s a few things to pay attention to during the conversation:

  • While you are sharing, keep returning to the pot with your spoon.

  • Notice the words being used.  If you end up talking about theories or high level strategizing, or planning how if someone would act differently the feeling would go away, you are likely intellectualizing.

  • Feel for deep and simple truths:  conversations that center on universal human experiences are often an indication that the conversation is anchored in the right place.  

  • Notice the spoons they hand to you, and the contents of their pot, and respond in kind.  If you don’t know what to say, take a pause.  You can say:  “I’m so glad we’re talking about this.  It feels hard to talk about.”  “I really care about you, even if I can’t understand your experience.  I want to help.”

Conversations about feelings like this are vulnerable.  When you have shared your Big Feelings mutually and receptively with someone, there will be a natural shift in tone.  You might feel a bit tired from doing emotional work.  Also, the conversation might naturally change to humorous topics and become more spontaneous.  These are signs you have accessed your common humanity and might feel safer around each other.  


Lastly, if it doesn’t work, try again.

Any new strategy contains inherent risk.  There is a reason patterns become engrained.  It makes sense to avoid pain or rejection and risk.  If for whatever reason the person or people you open up to don’t respond or attempt to reform the ice, it’s okay to extend your spoon again.  They simply might not have noticed the first time.  


Try with another friend, a different group, or in a different situation.  Take a risk.  Without risk, there is no reward, and no growth.


Happy Ice Breaking!

If you’re interested in sharing and processing some Big Feelings in therapy, we have therapists with both in person (in Seattle) and virtual (across Washington state) openings here at Riverbank Therapy. Fill out our contact form here to get your free 20 minute consultation scheduled.

How Naming Your Feelings Improves Relationships (Including the one with yourself)

In sitting with clients and myself, I like to start off with the simple, yet, powerful question, “How are you feeling?”

It’s slightly different from, “How are you doing?” or “how’s it going?”

Asking yourself or others how they feel is very specific and lends opportunity for you to check in with yourself emotionally. Before rolling your eyes, hear me out.

I know talking about emotions and naming feelings can be challenging and uncomfortable. Sometimes this is because we may not have the words to name the feeling, or weren’t socialized to recognize them and talk about them, or we’re so out of touch with our feelings that it may seem like more of a headache to name them than to ignore. It’s easy to answer, “I’m fine,” or “I’m good,” to those other questions, but neither one of those answers actually name a feeling. 

A feeling is an actual sensation tied to your emotional state. By answering “fine” or “good,” we’re not exactly connecting to an actual emotion. Of course, at times, this type of response is appropriate. For instance, if you’re checking out at the counter in a store, you may not want your cashier to know you’re super frustrated with your partner for not listening to you that morning. However, checking in with yourself or those you are close with can be extremely important. Naming feelings such as “I’m frustrated,” or “joyful” gives yourself a pulse on your emotional state which ultimately creates connection to self, or as I like to call it, your spirit.

Naming your emotions affords you with the opportunity of acknowledging yourself. This can be the first step to creating a relationship with yourself. Growing to understand yourself is the foundation to your mental health and external relationships. If you’re not certain of your feelings, you may not be aware of your needs and how to meet them. This makes it hard to acknowledge and navigate your moods and behaviors in a supportive way. It’s ok, we’re all figuring it out.

It feels nice to be acknowledged by someone else, why not allow that to be something you do for yourself? As Beyoncé said in her song “Me, Myself, and I,” “I’m gon’ be my own best friend.”

(The queen herself is never wrong but…I digress.)

It’s a social norm to greet or acknowledge others when we walk into a room. You can make it a similar norm with yourself acknowledge how you’re feeling from time to time. Your spirit will smile when you acknowledge it. More than likely, you wouldn’t ignore a child who is crying, a friend who seems unsettled during a social function, or a family member experiencing joy when celebrating an accomplishment. But how often do you ignore yourself? It is an act of kindness and self-compassion to not ignore your emotions.

Building a relationship with yourself is the first step to building any relationship, especially as an adult.

As adults we often navigate relationships on our own because we’ve left the guidance of our parents and caretakers. We left the nest without a proper manual for relationship building, as if a manual exists for anything in adulthood. Often times you can find that guidance in therapy along with trial and error through various relationships. Nothing beats the opportunity to build and explore the longest standing relationship that you will ever have, a relationship with yourself. 

Naming your emotions with yourself can also be helpful for your relationships with others. Being clear with yourself about how you’re feeling helps you communicate to other people more effectively, and makes it much more likely that your needs will be met by the other person, and definitely will help you feel more heard, understood and cared for, even though it’s really vulnerable. Despite discomfort, you are worthy of understanding and getting your needs met, and that’s on periodt!

By recognizing a feeling such as frustration, you allow yourself to recognize this emotional state within. This invites you to potentially explore why you’re feeling that way or where it’s coming from so that you can address it. Feeling frustrated may not feel good in the moment, but processing and exploring why you feel this way can help change the feeling or care for yourself as you feel it. 

Frustration signals that maybe your needs aren’t being met in the moment or you feel misunderstood by someone. Instead of potentially channeling your frustrations toward someone else in a way that isn’t helpful or intentional, you’ve acknowledged your emotion and invited yourself to process the situation. This way your emotion can be seen and validated by yourself, and then communicated to the other person. 

Becoming self-aware after processing your emotions can lead to understanding yourself, connection to the physical implications of your emotional state, along with a path to finding useful coping skills when needed. Once you’ve processed what made you frustrated, you can also name your bodily responses to recognize the impact of this emotion on you physically; furthermore, this deepens your connection with yourself. For instance, when I’m frustrated I tend to get hot, my shoulders become tense, my jaw tightens, and I’m not breathing as deeply. By recognizing my physical state in moments of frustration, I’ve realized my go-to coping mechanism is to take deeper breaths and focus on my breathing pattern.

This allows for me to slow my thoughts and responses to others; as a result, I can be more tactful in my responses so the way I’m communicating will potentially be more receptive. Although breathing may not be your go-to coping skill, or how you would cope with “frustration,” in particular, naming your emotion will allow to recognize if and what coping skill you may need.  After exploring your emotion, it’s beneficial to explore coping skills that work for you with various grounding techniques such as naming sensations, meditating, engaging in movement whether it be dance or taking a walk, hanging out with people who love and support you, or engaging if your favorite hobby.

You may also externalize the issue so that there’s no reason to channel frustration toward someone else or yourself ineffectively. Externalizing means to name the problem not the person. 

Externalizing the issue creates room for you to detach the issue from a person to looking at it more objectively. Ask yourself, “what is the issue in this moment outside of the individuals involved?”. This helps you invite a little grace by shifting your perspective from blaming someone to instead, seeing the problem removed from the person. For instance, your frustration may not actually be with the person in the moment, but in the fact that it’s misunderstanding in communication; as a result, communication is the issue and not the person. This process can alleviate that frustration and maybe even transition that emotion to hope, or feeling as sense of clarity, after processing your emotion. 

It can also help you more effectively communicate to someone what you’re frustrated about. Rather than fighting words such as, “You’re an asshole”, you can say something like “I’m frustrated because I feel unheard right now”. You’re shifting the frustration in the situation from the person to the dynamic, which can help you and the other person face it together, rather than facing against each other.

Naming your emotion may seem simple, yet, a powerful exercise that will open doors for processing your feelings and deepening relationships. This process lends itself to you becoming connected to yourself, understanding yourself, and becoming aware of your needs in the moment. Identifying what’s happening for you internally can be the first step to building a solid relationship with your spirit, with your soul, with you.

Think of how many music artists have made millions off of naming and acknowledging their feelings: Drake, Whitney Houston, Adele, Otis Redding, the list goes on. If you’re not certain of how to put your feelings into words, feel free to Google “feelings wheel,” or “wheel of emotions” or check out this blog post about it.

You can check in with your feelings anywhere, anytime. So, now I have to ask, how are you feeling?

Read about more ways to cultivate a relationship with yourself here.

If you’d like to work with a therapist at Riverbank Therapy, fill out our contact form!

Empathy 101

by Toni Aswegan, LMHC, NCC

Let’s dig into this massive concept!

What is the difference between sympathy and empathy and compassion?

Sympathy is identifying with someone else’s situation, while empathy involves identifying with what they’re feeling and thinking during that situation. Empathy is harder and more vulnerable because it requires you to identify and experience within yourself the same emotion they are experiencing right now. That’s also what makes it more powerful than sympathy. Compassion is similar to empathy, but the main difference is that compassion is empathy PLUS the desire to help.

A note on terminology: “empathic” and “empathetic” are synonyms.

Is being an empath a real thing?

Maybe! Social scientists seem to have mixed opinions on this topic. For my purposes, I don’t feel the need to know whether it is a “real” thing (by which I’m assuming people mean “an inborn characteristically high level of empathy”). When I’m talking about an “empath” I mean someone who is highly attuned to other’s emotional states. If the label of “empath” is useful for you, great! If it’s not, you don’t have to pick that label up. You can call yourself what you want.

Does everyone have a baseline amount of empathy? Does early attachment wire you for more empathy?

Everyone (arguably, other than psychopaths) are born with the capacity for empathy. It is a trait humans naturally possess. Our experiences can increase our ability to experience and express empathy, or they can stunt our ability to experience and express empathy.

Attuned interactions with early caregivers (interactions in which a caregivers helps us name and care for what we feel) helps us develop both a theory of self and other. When we don’t experience attunement regularly as children, we develop a less stable sense of self and less skills to regulate emotions, and thus may have a harder time with empathy later on in life.

On attachment styles:

Those with avoidant attachment tend to experience a lack of attunement in childhood. Their emotional states are often ignored or criticized, so those with avoidant attachment might have a harder time experiencing and expressing empathy. Those with anxious attachment tend to experience enmeshment as children, meaning their emotional states are merged with their caregivers rather than differentiated. Those with anxious attachment might have a harder time stopping empathy and setting boundaries around empathy.

Why do some people struggle with empathy?

There are a ton of possibilities here. It’s possible they didn’t have a lot of attunement in early childhood. It’s possible they are not very in touch with their own emotions and so have a hard time connecting with those of others. Maybe they are easily dysregulated by emotion. Maybe they are stressed or otherwise burned out, which makes it harder to perspective take. Maybe they are judging another person, which blocks empathy.

Humans are generally born with the capacity to experience and express empathy.

Your childhood and attachment experiences can help you become more empathic, but even if you didn't build this skill from a young age, it is a skill you can learn and improve. And it's worthwhile to do so. Empathy will help you feel more connected, happier, and makes the world a better place.

What skills will help me build and practice empathy?

-reading fiction books;

-watching movies;

-going to therapy;

-practicing self-compassion;

-asking yourself questions about other people's inner worlds and behavior (swipe).

All of these actions help you build the muscle of curiosity and imagination about what is going on for another person.

Question to ask yourself to practice empathy for others:

-how might this person be feeling right now?

-how might I feel if I were in their position?

-what might this person have experienced in their past to lead them to this action/feeling/belief?

-even if you disagree with it, how might their behavior make sense?


What are some practical ways to express empathy?

There’s no script here. Use your body language and facial expression. Reflect what you think the other person is feeling “I imagine that was really scary” or “You’re feeling really lonely, huh?” with the option for them to correct you (we’re going for accurate empathy here, y’all). Get curious and ask questions, then reflect more.

How to move cognitive empathy to emotional/visceral empathy?

Being able to think through or understand empathy is great, but letting yourself feel it is really what other’s resonate with. Practice feeling your own emotions, this will help you get more comfortable with others. Therapy is a great place to practice this skill.

How do have empathy when I don’t agree with the other person?

This is totally possible! Empathy is not agreement. I can disagree with someone staying with an abusive partner, and empathize with their fear and helplessness about the decision to leave or not. I disagree with their decision, but I know moments where I’ve felt scared and helpless, and I can connect with them on that. Remember, empathy is connecting with the feelings, not the situation.

How to ask for empathy?

“I don’t need solutions right now, I just need you to know and understand how I feel.”

Remember, not everyone who is empathic has the skills to communicate it, so be patient.


At what point does experiencing empathy for others become unhealthy?

You’ll notice empathy becoming unhealthy when:

-you have little to no space to feel your own feelings

-You can’t stop thinking about other people

-You can’t sleep, are experiencing depression or anxiety related to other people’s feeling

-You overly adjust your behavior to influence others’ emotions or to take care of them

-You’re feeling burned out, disconnected, and losing your ability to have compassion and empathy (this is a SURE sign for me as a therapist).

How to set boundaries when you’re overly empathic?

-take some time to focus on your own feelings.

-Remind yourself that you’re not in the other person’s situation.

-Remind yourself what IS and IS NOT yours to be responsible for.

-Practice symbolically setting other peoples stuff down (write it down, pick an object to represent it and leave it outside the room).

-Get empathy from other people yourself. Seek support of your own, especially if you are consistently in the position of supporting others.


Wow, there’s a lot to say about empathy! It’s almost like its MY JOB! I really believe that empathy and compassion can make the world a better place. That’s why I do what I do.

Want to book with one of our wonderfully empathic therapists? Click here to schedule your free 20 minute consultation!

How to Cope with Shame

First things first: Guilt and shame are NOT the same emotion.

Guilt is "I did a bad thing." Shame is "I am bad."

Both are natural human emotions.

Guilt is useful (when it's actually called for). It calls you in to notice when your behavior is out of line with your values. Socially, it spurs you to apologize and do better in the future. In this way, guilt can be useful. (Guilt can certainly take over and become not useful, like we often see with depression or anxiety, so we're not talking about that kind of guilt right now).

Shame, on the other hand, is not useful. Shame says "you are bad, and you no longer belong in society." This is not helpful. Shame prohibits empathy and curiosity, and so gets in the way of even wanting to learn how to do better. Shame also gives you no incentive to change, because you are already "outcast".

**You might at this point be feeling shame about feeling shame. "What is wrong with me that I keep feeling this useless emotion?!" Please be nice to yourself. You are human, and shame is part of being human. We fear disconnection more than almost anything, and shame grows out of this fear. That's okay.**

You might notice that shame has a stronger physical/somatic presence than guilt. It might feel physically different than guilt--showing up in different places in your body with different patterns.

The thoughts associated with guilt and shame are also different.

Guilt thoughts tend to sound like:

"I wish I had called my friend earlier when I knew they were struggling."

"I should have studied more for that test."

"Lying like that was not okay, I don't feel good about that."

Shame thoughts tend to sound like:

"I'm a terrible friend for not being supportive. I don't deserve friends."

"I'm so stupid. I'm an idiot for not studying more and failing the test."

"I am a liar, no one can trust me."

You can practice moving from shame to guilt. Separate the BEHAVIOR from YOURSELF. (Contrary to popular? belief, you are more than your behaviors.) This can help you from spiraling from guilt, to shame, to hopelessness, even to feeling suicidal.

Questions to reflect on:

What did you actually do/not do?

Was this in line with your values or not?

Can you talk to yourself about the behavior and avoid making a global evaluation of yourself? (See above examples of guilt vs shame talk.)

What can you do to make amends? (Apologize, plan how to change your behavior in the future, etc).

And, as always, practice self-compassion. Everyone makes mistakes. It's human to fuck up. You're still good enough and loveable, even when you fuck up.

So how do we sit with shame??

Like many other emotions:

1) Identify THAT you are feeling it in the first place. Name the emotion: "this is shame."

2) Notice where and how you are experiencing shame in your body. I often feel it as sweaty pits, red face, heavy heart, and difficulty breathing. It will show up differently for all of us. For many who have experienced trauma, shame comes with a hypoaroused collapsed state and dissociation (below the window of tolerance). Notice this.

3) Write down or name what thoughts are coming with shame. "I'm the worst, everyone hates me, I don't deserve what I have..."etc.

4) Separate those thoughts from the moment that triggered shame:

-Maybe you did something you regret, shift "I am awful for doing that" to "That was out of line with my values, can I apologize or do better in the future?"

-Maybe you were just vulnerable with a friend, and now are questioning your disclosure. How did your friend respond? Were they supportive? Are there signs you will be rejected? More likely than not, they responded well and were supportive. Check those facts, and remind yourself that you are worthy of love and connection.

5) SELF-COMPASSION. Remind yourself that we all experience shame, that it is related to our fear of disconnection and abandonment. Remind yourself that all humans make mistakes, it is human to be imperfect, and that imperfect connection is what we're here for. Go for a walk, take a bath, play with your dog...do something that nourishes your soul and shows yourself care.