Your Nervous System and the Window of Tolerance

The nervous system is composed of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that go throughout the body. The nervous system is the command center of the body, responsible for our thoughts, movements, and automatic processes such as breathing and digestion. Importantly, the nervous system is also responsible for our experience of emotion. Understanding your nervous system can help you become more aware of your emotions and how you can manage them without becoming overwhelmed.

Let’s start with a brief overview of the brain using this handy model created by Dr. Dan Siegel and based on the triune brain model by Paul McLean. It can be helpful to familiarize yourself with three major parts of the brain: (1) the brainstem (responsible for basic survival functions like breathing and heart rate); (2) the limbic system (the emotional center of the brain, responsible for our fight/flight/freeze response) and (3) the cortex (the “thinking and reasoning” part of our brain, responsible for managing big emotions, connecting with others, and helping us make thoughtful decisions).

hand model of the brain, triune brain

(Image from Kerra-Lee Wescombe, 2021)

When all three parts of the brain are working together, we feel safe and connected to others. This is the optimal zone of nervous system arousal, known as our window of tolerance, or our social engagement system.





Window of Tolerance

Window of Tolerance, a term coined by Dr. Siegel, refers to the zone of nervous system arousal in which we are able to function and engage with other people most effectively. In this zone, our brain can process stimuli without becoming overwhelmed. This means the thinking part of our brain, the cortex, is online and helping us keep our nervous system (and emotions) regulated. This state is associated with our parasympathetic nervous system and is also known as the “rest and digest” state.

window of tolerance

(Image adapted from NICABM, 2019)

When we are within our window of tolerance and difficulties arise in our day, we are able to handle them without our nervous system becoming dysregulated. This means that we can manage our emotions without getting overwhelmed.

Within this zone, we feel safe and socially connected. We are grounded, open, curious, flexible, and able to take on challenges. We feel calm but not exhausted, energized but not anxious. When emotions like frustration or sadness take us closer to the edge of our window, our thinking brain is able to use strategies to keep our nervous system regulated so we can stay within our window. This diagram shows how our nervous system ebbs and flows when we are within our window and our brain is able to regulate our emotions:

window of tolerance

          (Image adapted from Levine, Ogden, Siegel)

 Sometimes, however, we can get thrown out of our window of tolerance when our limbic system sends our thinking brain offline. This happens when it senses danger and sends our nervous system into an automatic fight, flight, freeze, or collapse response. This state is associated with our sympathetic nervous system.


Our limbic system contains the part of our brain responsible for sensing threat and protecting us from danger. It can make split-second decisions to keep us safe, whereas our thinking brain wouldn’t be able to respond as efficiently to danger. Therefore, when our limbic system senses danger, it can turn our thinking brain offline and trigger our fight/flight/freeze/collapse response, moving us outside our window of tolerance in its attempt to keep us safe.

When we are in this state, our nervous system is over-activated, or hyperaroused. Our body is alert and ready to fight or flee danger—or it may freeze to avoid danger. Our breathing and heart rate quicken, our hearing becomes sharper, our skin sweats, our muscles tense, and our pupils dilate. Here we can feel anxious, panicked, angry, or out of control.

In the collapse response, on the other hand, our nervous system is under-activated, or hypoaroused. Our heart rate drops, our breathing slows (we may even hold our breath), and we feel immobilized. It can be easy to confuse the freeze and collapse responses, so it may be helpful to imagine you are playing a high stakes game of hide and seek. The seeker is right outside your hiding place. You are tense, alert, hyperaroused because you know they might find you: this is freeze. Suddenly, they lock eyes with you, and you’re defeated, hopelessness: this is collapse. In collapse, we can experience exhaustion, numbness, dissociation, depression, shame, and hopelessness.

window of tolerance, somatic therapy seattle

(Image from Mind My Peelings, 2019)

The fight/flight/freeze response evolved over ages to keep you safe and alive. It was very useful in our early hunting and gathering days when we encountered regular threats to our survival, like dangerous wild animals. And it is still useful when you are faced with real threats to your safety, like when you have to slam on your brakes to avoid hitting the car in front of you. In this case, you want to be dysregulated so you can respond effectively: You don't want to be in your window all the time.

However, our fight/flight/ freeze response is also frequently triggered by non-life-threatening occurrences, like a first date, a bad grade, a deadline, an argument, or a visit from your in-laws. While these are stressful events that can result in ebbs and flows in your nervous system and move you toward the edges of your window, sometimes our nervous system responds as if these events are life-threatening, sending us outside our window into fight/flight/freeze.

fight or flight response, trauma therapy seattle

Why do I react so strongly to stress?  Your window of tolerance can narrow and widen based on a number of factors, even throughout the day. If you have experienced trauma or you are going through a stressful time, your window can become very narrow. When your window is narrow, your nervous system is even more attuned to potential dangers, triggering your fight/flight/freeze response more often and for even smaller “threats.” This means your limbic system may sense danger when there is none. Unfortunately, by trying so hard to protect you, your limbic system is unintentionally sending your nervous system on a roller coaster ride that can keep you from experiencing safety and connection.

Expanding your window

How can you expand your window of tolerance? An important step in expanding your window is getting to know your nervous system a little better (you’re already doing this!) and starting to notice what it feels like both when you are within your window and when you are outside your window. You can start to notice what your body feels like when you are calm and connected—and what your body feels like when your emotions are dysregulated. You can start to take note of the types of triggers and situations that your limbic system labels as dangerous.

An equally important step is taking care of your body’s most basic needs like sleep, healthy food, and exercise. Even factors like feeling tired or hungry can narrow your window. Do you tend to snap at others more easily when you’re hungry for dinner? That’s because when your body is running low on something it needs for survival, your window can shrink. Anything that puts your body on high alert-–like physical or emotional pain, perfectionism, self-criticism, and disconnection-–can be a force that narrows your window.

Learning strategies for managing stress and finding ways to connect with other people are also ways to expand your window. Additionally, mindfulness and self-compassion are practices that can make your window bigger over time. Working with a mental health professional to process trauma and difficulties can also help you expand your window and get back to feeling safe and connected.

Coming back into your window

How can you come back into your window once you’ve gone outside? When your limbic system has sent your thinking brain offline and you are outside of your window of tolerance, there are many things you can do. As a general rule of thumb, if you are in fight/flight/freeze mode (hyperarousal), you may need to release energy and then sooth. If you are in collapse mode (hypoarousal), you may need to add energy to your system.

To release energy and then decrease arousal from fight/flight/freeze: First, you might try releasing the energy. Dance, go for a walk, run up and down the stairs, shake your body all around. Then, find something soothing. This might include: deep belly breathing (with exhales longer than inhales), laying on the ground, using a weighted blanket, drinking tea, listening to soothing music, making comforting food, stretching your body, giving yourself a hug, meditating, practicing yoga, or engaging in the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise (find 5 things you see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste).

To increase arousal from collapse: Try out some physical activity like dancing, walking, or even just simply sitting up straight or standing and feeling your feet on the ground. You can also try listening to energizing music, rubbing your arms and legs, or stomping your feet on the ground.

Additional ways to regulate include taking a cold shower or dunking your face in ice water, journaling, doing something creative like drawing or playing an instrument, and increasing your emotional vocabulary (get out that emotion wheel and put a name to what you are feeling!).

Co-Regulation: All of the above tools are focused on what we call self-regulation (tools that you can use on your own). However, co-regulation (tools that are used with others) can be just as important for coming back into your window (as well as widening it). This might look like asking for a hug, petting your dog or your cat, or calling a friend. The people in our lives we feel safe with are one of our greatest resources when it comes to reducing stress, so reaching out for support is a great way to come back into your window of tolerance.

Therapy: If you’d like to explore these topics more specifically, and with a therapist trained to bring the nervous system into trauma therapy, we have therapists with openings for new clients in Seattle who are offering both in-person and virtual sessions. Click here to schedule a free 20-minute consultation now.


LGBTQIA+ Resource List

LGBTQIA+  Support Groups 

  • 7 Cups Chat Room Talk to someone in a 1-1 chat, or join our LGBT chat room to chat with others who understand what you're going through. You can get support with exploring your sexuality, gender identity or coming out. We have many people across the LGBTQ spectrum. Do you identify with any of the following labels? Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, transgender, pansexual, gender neutral, queer, asexual, or any others. We can offer you free, 24/7 support today.

  •   Therapy Tribe Support Groups Peer-to-peer support group for individuals living as LGBT – lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning.

  • Daily Strength

  • Support Groups

  • Trans Mentors International gives individuals a means of communicating with and meeting with local transgender men, women and teens who are willing to support and encourage you in your respective journeys.

LGBTQIA+ Hotlines

  • The GLBT National Help Center provides peer-support and resource information to people with questions regarding sexual orientation and/or gender identity. They operate three national hotlines: the GLBT National Hotline, the GLBT National Youth Talkline, and the SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline. They also offer online peer support chat and an extensive database of LGBTQ resources. 1-800-246-7743

  • The Trans Lifeline is dedicated to the well being of transgender people. They run a hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people. Trans Lifeline volunteers are ready to respond to whatever support needs members of the trans community might have.  1-877-565-8860.

Coming Out Resources

LGBTQIA+ Resources to Share with Your Family and Friends


Transgender Support

Break Up Strategies

Resources for families and youth

  • Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Teens: Facts for Teens and Their Parents
    If you’ve ever wondered if you’re gay, lesbian, or bisexual, you’re not alone. Many teens ask themselves this question, and here are ways to find some answers. For parents and caregivers, finding out your son or daughter is gay, lesbian, or bisexual can present challenges. Learn more about how to be supportive.

  • Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN): Student Action
    As a student, you have the power to make change in many ways in your school and community.

  • Genders & Sexualities Alliance Network
    GSA clubs are student-run organizations that unite LGBTQ+ and allied youth to build community and organize around issues impacting them in their schools and communities.

  • Health Concerns for Gay and Lesbian teens
    Information for LGBT teens on sexual activity, substance use, mental health, discrimination, and violence.

  • It Gets Better Project
    The It Gets Better Project inspires people across the globe to share their stories and remind the next generation of LGBTQ+ youth that hope is out there, and it will get better.

  • Q Card Project
    The Q Card is a simple and easy-to-use communication tool designed to empower LGBTQ youth to become actively engaged in their health, and to support the people who provide their care.

  • Q Chat Space
    Q Chat Space is a digital LGBTQ+ center where teens join live-chat, professionally facilitated, online support groups. Also available in Spanish (disponible en español).

  • Stomp Out Bullying: Making Schools Safe for LGBTQ Community
    Schools should be a young person’s primary center for learning, growing, and building a foundation for success in the world. High school can be challenging for any student, but LGBTQ youth face additional obstacles of harassment, abuse, and violence.

  • The Trevor Project: Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention
    The Trevor Project is a national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.


Resources for Parents, Guardians, and Family Members of Queer Youth

Resources for Educators and School Administrators

We also have therapists in our practice who specialize in working with LGBTQIA+ clients. Click here to schedule a free 20 minute consultation or intake session now!

A Tool For Finding Comfort in Chaos

by Kelsi Davis, LICSWA

What is a Snapshot practice?

A snapshot is a journaling activity that aims to create or recreate a memory to ground yourself in the present moment. This activity can be utilized when you feel stressed, anxious, or frustrated. It is easy to get wrapped up in these strong emotions and feel stuck with them. The snapshot helps bring your focus to the present and allows time for reflection. This activity is not only grounding but can create a space for self-care.

This journaling activity is named after a quick informal photograph taken to capture a moment in time. Much like its name, this activity is done informally. You can take as little as five minutes or spend a whole hour writing out your snapshot. You can write one every day or write one when emotions are heightened. This is a personal and individualized practice.

How to Make Time?

There are not enough hours in the day to get everything done, and there is often a never-ending list of things to finish, so self-care needs to be intentionally set aside. Let’s set the scene for this journaling activity. Create a workspace that allows you to get into the mindset of self- compassion and emotional flexibility. This may look like deep breaths, going for a walk, yoga, etc.

The goal is to be comfortable in your environment. Be intentional with your time and create a space for yourself to feel. Then you can sit down and start to write or type (I like to put pen to paper). You may listen to music while you reflect or write in silence.

Why do this?

This practice may sound challenging to do when you are in a heightened place of emotion. If this is something that can’t be done in the moment of these heightened emotions, then you can set the intention to write a snapshot when you are in a good headspace. Then you can reflect on a finished journal entry when you are stressed or anxious. I suggest reading it out loud to yourself and using it as a tool to ground. It is like going to a happy place. This “happy place” can be hard to visualize, so writing can help ground your thoughts in a safe space of self-care and understanding. I often struggle to find time to fit this practice into my day. I set an intention to use this practice to remind myself to come back to it when I need it.

This is my guidance: celebrate the small moments. Self-care starts by creating space for yourself. Small things can bring joy, and we can relish in these moments.

What to Write About?

There are three paths (use one or all three!):

  1. Create a new memory. Take a walk, get outside, sit with your feelings, eat your favorite food, and then write about your experience. Again, this practice is personal.

  2. Think back to a memory and write about it in detail to help visualize the memory. An example of this: The first day you got a pet, your wedding day, a childhood memory that sticks out to you.

  3. Reflection: ground yourself in your environment and take time to notice and reflect on something soothing in your current space.

Example One (creating a new memory)

It was cool outside, about forty degrees. It was a quiet evening. There is always something running through my mind as I tend to overthink. Life is always happening around me. My mind, as I write this, is full of day-to-day stressors. As I stand outside, I think about money, bills, and my obligations as a professional, friend, and dysfunctional family member. I think about the never-ending appointments and meetings and responsibility. As I am standing outside, I dig my bare feet into the ground and feel the dirt between my toes. I stare into the sky illuminated by streetlights and breathe in crisp cool air. I often feel like my life is nothing but things that need to be done. I am nothing but a machine. Well, the societal expectation is always to be productive.

It can be hard to enjoy the moments I do have. To stand outside in the cool evening and I ground. I hear cars in the faint background and the pattering of tiny feet from what I can only assume to be a family of raccoons. After some time in the quiet, I sat on the cool, damp grass. I was not thrilled to have gotten my pajama bottoms wet. However, it did not seem to bother me. I just ended up laughing at myself. The goal at this moment was to fully indulge in my natural setting, even when surrounded by the city. Sitting on the damp grass, I felt raindrops hit my face as I gazed into the sky. The cold drips of rain continued to hit my skin, making me feel present in my moment. I created a space where I had no obligations except to care for myself for a few minutes. To be present, to feel one with the world around me, and live in that moment.

Example Two (memory)

It was snowing hard outside. I was visiting my parents for the holidays. A time of year that is honestly hard. I was trying to enjoy the time with my parents, but I needed some time alone and fresh air. I stepped outside. My skin was warm, so it melted quickly when the snowflakes fell on me. I felt calm amidst the chaos of holiday bickering. I walked down the large stairway in front of my parent’s home and looked at the large pine trees in their front yard. The snow glistened. It glowed in the starlight. All I could hear was the snow falling until I heard what sounded like a baby crying. I looked everywhere to find what was making these sounds. I circle the property and return to the front yard, where I had been looking at the trees. I looked down, and I saw a small black and white kitten. His eyes were not open, and he was ice cold but very much alive. I took him in. This moment led to many sleepless nights of caring for this kitten. That was six years ago. One day can change your life, and the day I found Cecil changed mine.

Example Three (reflection)

I have a small plant cohabitating in my small urban apartment. I enjoy watering it and ensuring it gets everything it needs to thrive. It made me think how all people need different things to thrive, just like plants have different needs. Learning what we need and making time to care for ourselves are discussed often in popular media. However, it is often passed over about how to incorporate the practice of self-nourishment into our day-to-day.

Putting this into Practice

As you can see in the three examples, the journaling activity can be long or short. It is a practice to make your own. It can be utilized in the heat of the moment, after a stressful event, in the middle of feeling anxious, on good days or bad days. It is a practice that can be implemented at any time. I have written them on my phone to use while waiting for a doctor’s appointment or for when I’m stressed at work. The key is to return to these snapshots and embrace the emotions presented in the exercise. This activity allows us to remember the small moments and find joy in the mundane or simple. This activity may be best utilized by those who enjoy journaling. However, this may also provide a structure to try a new way to cope with heightened emotions, so I challenge anyone to give it a shot. You might find a new strategy that you love to use!

“To experience peace does not mean that your life is always blissful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life.” -Jill Bolte Taylor

We have several therapists with openings in their schedules right now. If you’d like to work with a Riverbank therapist, click here to fill out our contact form and our intake coordinator will help you get placed with the best fit!

What is "Family of Origin" Work in Therapy?

by Abby Lombardo, LMFT

You're searching through therapist bios and you keep coming across the term "Family of Origin work" or "FOO Work". But what does it actually mean? In this post, we try to de-mystify what Family of Origin Work means and how it might be relevant in your therapeutic journey.

To start, Family of Origin (FOO) is a term used by therapists to refer to the primary caregivers an individual had when growing up, whether they be related, adoptive, foster, or any other type of guardianship or caregiver relationship. As you might have guessed, Family of Origin work shows up in therapy sessions quite often. You are probably doing some FOO work in your own therapy or even on your own, without even realizing it!

Some clients seek a therapist to help them through these specific kinds of issues, but most clients end up realizing their family of origin work is a more central issue to their lives than they might have thought at the outset of their therapy journey. Either way, there's a reason for the centrality of this kind of work in therapy. There are few things in our lives our families of origin don't impact, for the simple reason that they are our first relationships and first experiences of the world.

As an illustration, I like to use Dr. Emily Nagoski's metaphor of a garden. Each person is born with a garden; some plants are already planted in this garden at birth--without your say so--things like a sensitive nervous system, a predisposition for anxiety, depression, addiction or even a good memory, natural resilience, and other strengths. There are some seeds that have been planted generations before you and there will be some species of weeds that everyone inherits in the garden they are born with. As you mature, you begin to choose how to tend and manage this garden, what weeds you pull, and what plants you want to start growing instead. In therapy, FOO work involves being aware of what's in your garden--what was there before you had a say--and creating intention around how you want to address, manage, or change what your garden looks like as an adult. As the metaphor implies, it can be hard, messy work. That's a major reason it can be helpful to have a therapist with you while you're doing family of origin (FOO) work.

Here are a few topics that are involved when we use the term "family of origin issues". Some of these (or all of these) may or may not be relevant to you and you might find you resonate more with some than others.


Attachment & Self Worth

Developmentally, we are dependent on our caregivers for a significant portion of the early stages of our lives. We need caregivers to survive. And depending on the caregiver, we learn we can trust our needs to be met most of the time or we learn that we cannot trust others to meet our needs most of the time (or something unpredictable in between). This sets the stage for the type of attachment styles we develop and further impacts the way we relate to others and the world around us. We derive meaning from the way our early caregivers interact with us. Our families or contexts in which we are raised give us our earliest experiences in which we learn if we are valuable, special, and matter to someone...or not. We learn how to gauge our worth or seek connection: if it is inherent or earned with achievements and accolades, athletic prowess, and academic success. We might earn it through being a "good girl/boy/child" or an accommodating and pleasing child. We might learn what is "good" and what is "bad" in our family, and so begins our relationships with shame/guilt and ultimately, our relationship with ourselves.

In therapy, identity and self-work can look as different as the clients who walk through the office doors (or open up their laptop screens) for session. Topics such as inner child work, self-differentiation, setting boundaries, re-storying old narratives, redefining and reframing values and qualities, and attachment work all address how you are relating to yourself and the world around you via the lens of your FOO and learned attachment styles.


Family Roles

Some of the most relevant FOO work I do with clients involves understanding how the roles they played in their family growing up (and now) impact their life in other areas outside of their family of origin. For example, a client might come in wanting to work on people pleasing and how detrimental that has been in her career and friendships because she's finding it very difficult to speak up for herself and ask for what she wants and needs. After a few sessions discussing her family of origin, she might realize that it all started in childhood trying to please her parents, playing peacemaker during their divorce, or caretaking their emotions. Because we are so dependent as children on our caretakers, we often will do anything to keep them around and keep our attachment to them -- even if it costs us significantly. This is how family dynamics and environments shape us. This client learned as a child that to keep her caregivers close and happy, she needed to emotionally caretake and please them to get connection. After learning this and having it reinforced over and over again in her own family, this client continues playing this role in her other relationships, but with different outcomes. Where it served her in her FOO, it does not serve her in her friendships or professional relationships. Bringing awareness, through therapy, about how these old family roles play out in current day-to-day life can help change these patterns.


Conflict & Communication

In my work with couples, conflict and communication challenges almost always trace back to differences in family of origin: my family avoids conflict and brushes things under the rug; your family likes to hash things out right here and now until someone is right and someone is wrong. My family is soft-spoken and everyone gets a turn to speak; your family is loud and boisterous and people must fight to be the loudest in order to be heard. My family does not talk about emotions; your family can't stop talking about their feelings and opinions. It goes on and on. Our families teach us certain implicit and explicit rules, especially rules around communication and conflict. Family rules are often informed by culture, religion, class, beliefs, or value systems. We learn somethings are off-limit, while others are dinner-table conversation appropriate. Often times, we are punished--usually with shame or guilt--when we break these spoken and unspoken rules, which leads to internalization of these rules and other shame-based narratives.

FOO work around conflict and communication patterns starts with acknowledging the rules you have learned and continue to abide by--usually without awareness! This new awareness then leads to decisions about what type of communication patterns and approaches to conflict you want to plant in your garden in the stead of the ones you inherited/learned.


Generational Legacies & Intergenerational Trauma

We now know that intergenerational trauma, trauma that happened to your ancestors and predecessors, can make its way into your own DNA and body (even your dreams). Some people inherit gardens loaded with intergenerational trauma caused by various stressors or challenges such as poverty, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.--trauma and stressors they might never have experienced for themselves, but are nonetheless taught in subtle and powerful ways to the next generation. For example, hyper-arousal is a common symptom that arises after a traumatic event, where you are on alert for threats, scanning your environment constantly, or anticipating worst case scenarios at all times in order to prepare for or prevent bad things from happening. This symptom, while a typical response to trauma in someone who has experienced trauma, can be taught and passed down by vigilant parents, teaching their kids not to trust others or themselves, making the world feel like a constantly dangerous place where there is no room for rest or relaxation because one must always be on guard for the worst to happen. While this may serve an important purpose or reflect a true reality of danger, depending on the environment in which one finds themselves, the chronic stress of being in a state of hyper-arousal and threat does significant damage to the mind and body. It can be difficult for those taught this state of being to challenge it in favor of taking time to rest, relax, be taken care of by others, and to appropriately depend on others when called for. Working through intergenerational trauma with a therapist looks a lot like naming legacies you've inherited, understanding the impact of systems larger than you and your family, externalizing the blame in order to foster compassion, understanding, and validation, as well as working to challenge and heal some of the perpetuated suffering.


Gender, Power, Money, Sex, & Relationships

Our families teach us our earliest values and beliefs, before we even have a chance to form our own opinions and worldviews. In our families of origin we learn about gender, power, money, relationships, and sex. We learn that gender can mean who cooks and who works. We learn that gender can mean equality and fluidity. We learn that it can mean who is powerful and who is powerless. We learn about money and what financial security or insecurity feels like. We learn to see the world as a place of abundance or scarcity. We also learn how to share affection, what love looks like, how to act in relationship, and how to treat others. We learn what is "normal" in terms of displays of affection and physical touch. We learn what is not okay in terms of sexuality, bodies, and acting on our desires. FOO work in therapy can involve unpacking our biases and beliefs around concepts like these in order to have more agency and choice in how we relate to others. With awareness we can have more say in how we move through the world.


Our earliest experiences with our families of origin shape our biases, tendencies, and what we consider "normal." These experiences make up our gardens. As adults, through the therapy process, we learn what does or doesn't serve us anymore: what might need to be uprooted and unlearned like racism and sexism or what needs to be planted and learned like how to communicate vulnerable emotions to a romantic partner or how to accept one's sexuality. In therapy, FOO work can help unpack our earliest messages around influential constructs and breakdown old narratives we continue to perpetuate, but that don't actually serve us or fit us anymore, so that we can learn to live in ways that support our wellbeing individually and relationally.


How Riverbank Therapy Got Its Name

by Founder, Toni Aswegan, LMHC, NCC

It is surprisingly difficult to name a therapy practice. When I started Riverbank Therapy, I knew I wanted to expand into a group practice and so I did not want to name it “Toni Aswegan Therapy”. That makes no sense if other therapists would also be working in the practice in the future (which, they are! This team is kickass). I wanted to find a name for the practice that would be encompassing of all sizes of the practice, and that reflected the type of work we do here.

I also didn’t want it to be cheesy AF.

My partner and I sat at dinner for a month throwing words back and forth:




all the words you might associate with the therapy process.

Also, all words that felt meaningless and corny to me (no shade at practices with these names, they just don’t feel authentic to me or how I practice therapy).

So, in a last ditch effort to find a good name, I went to my trusty bookshelf. I read voraciously, especially books about therapy, human development, mindfulness, and emotions. I keep all of the books I’ve read related to my work on my office bookshelf, and often reference my notes and highlights in those books.

In the search for a name, I pulled down the books that had the biggest impact on my therapy style and my own personal growth.

Books like the Body Keeps the Score, Trauma Stewardship, and, Wherever You Go, There You Are.

I started flipping through pages, and reading the excerpts I had underlined.

In writing this blog post I went back through several of those books to find the exact quote that inspired me, but alas, I could not find it again! It must have truly been kismet that I found it once and not again.

 In any case, one of the underlined sections described mindfulness practice as sitting on the banks of a river, watching the current go by, carrying sticks and leaves with it, but staying grounded and steady on the riverbank.

It was perfect. Riverbank Therapy.

As a long time meditator, and a therapist who brings mindfulness practices into sessions with clients, this was it. A metaphor for being present, observing, and not being swept up by the currents. Not only is that what I do as a therapist, it’s what I support my clients in learning how to do with their own emotions, and is much of the magic of the therapy process.

Not to mention, “Riverbank” didn’t sound cheesy to me. A win all around.

So, there you have it! Riverbank Therapy. Mindfulness, grounded-ness, presence.

If you want to work with one of our therapists, head to our contact form and we’ll get your free 20 minute consultation scheduled. Like I said, we have a RAD team of therapists here, and our intake coordinator can help you find the best fit.